The Draft DUNDRUM LOCAL AREA PLAN (LAP) recently published by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, sets out a framework for important aspects of the future of Dundrum, including:
- The redevelopment of the Old Shopping Centre site and the Central Mental Hospital site
- Public open space, proposals for a new library and civic centre, housing, childcare and more
- Traffic flows and traffic management in and around Dundrum.
Read the Draft LAP at: You can also find maps and read background research papers conducted in preparation for drafting the LAP.
Watch the Council’s information webinar about the draft LAP at
Imagine Dundrum is currently preparing its own detailed submission, which can be read on the website, along with all other submissions.

What happens after July 21st?
* The Chief Executive’s Report
All submissions are examined by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown planners. A report, titled the Chief Executive’s Report, is published 6 weeks after the close of submissions on July 21st. This report, due on Monday September 4th, responds to all the matters raised in submissions, and indicates whether proposals made in submissions, and suggested amendments to the draft LAP, are recommended by the planners.
During this 6-week period, Imagine Dundrum plans to hold ‘drop-in’ events for local people, to assist in finding out about the Chief Executive’s response to their submission. Details later.
* Councillors consider the Chief Executive’s Report
Following publication of the Chief Executive’s Report, elected members have 6 weeks to consider it before voting to accept the Report, or to put forward amendments (deadline Friday October 13th).
* Material amendments
If Councillors vote to make changes that are considered to be significant changes to the original draft LAP, another process of public consultation, Chief Executive’s Report and Councillor voting takes place. After this vote, the Dundrum Local Area Plan will be formally adopted.
Celebrating the Slang River
In our last newsletter we reported on our project celebrating the biodiversity of the Slang River, which we undertook as part of the Burran Beo “Heritage Keepers” programme. The rich biodiversity of the Slang riverbanks – birds, trees, flowers, and insects – now features on a colourful poster designed for local schools and residents.We were delighted to present copies of the poster to a number of local primary schools. Our thanks to the Principals, teachers and pupils for the warm welcome and keen interest in the Slang and its riches! We plan to continue to link with other local school’s next term. We will also continue to find good ways of celebrating our local Slang River with the local community.Pupils of Holy Cross School enjoying the Imagine Dundrum poster presentation
Summer Heritage Tours of Dundrum
As part of DLRCoCo’s Summer of Heritage Programme a Historic Dundrum Walk takes place every Tuesday, until 29th August, at 7pm starting at the Barton Road roundabout. No booking required.
Thank you for reading this update. Do please send your questions and comments to: [email protected] and check our website and Facebook page for new announcements: and
Best wishes from all the team,
Anne Colgan, Chair