2018 News & Updates
November 2018
What does a Local Area Plan for Dundrum mean?
A Local Area Plan (LAP) is a statutory document that is prepared by the Planning Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) sections 18 – 20. The Local Area Plan must be consistent with the objectives of the current County Development Plan.
The LAP sets out a strategy for proper planning and sustainable development of the area. It enables the local authority to carry out a detailed assessment of any planning issues and this knowledge can be used to inform planning policy. The Plan gives guidance to any future development in the area thereby ensuring that any changes in the area respect and complement the local area. The LAP covers areas such as promoting economic development of the area, flooding and other environmental issues, biodiversity, conserving local heritage, the quality of urban design. community facilities and meeting the needs of all population groups.
In drawing up the LAP the planning authority must consult with the Minister, public and other interested parties before preparing, amending or revoking a local plan
Pre-Draft Public Consultation:
- The initial stage can consist of producing an issues paper that can be displayed in council offices and libraries for a period.
- Public notices in national newspapers inviting submissions.
- A public open day can be organised where Planning Department staff are available to discuss the process with members of the public and other interested parties. Forms can be available to allow people to make submissions on the proposed plan.
Other requirements:
The EU Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) requires EU member states to systematically evaluate any likely important effects on the environment of implementing the Local Area Plan, before its adoption. The County Council must also ensure that the plan does not have any significant effect on Natura 2000 sites (such as special Areas of Conservation and Special Protected Areas) as outlined in the EU Habitats Directive.
Imagine Dundrum invites you to join us to share ideas about all the important aspects of planning for the future of Dundrum, such as heritage, open spaces and recreation, community and social facilities, transport and traffic management and much more. This consultation is a really valuable opportunity to have your say, unfortunately in a tight timeframe at a busy time of year, but community input is vitally important. The public have until December 14 to make submissions at this stage.
Join us at an Open Meeting, December 5 in Holy Cross Primary School, Dundrum, at 7:30.
February 2018
Imagine Dundrum has kept in close touch with the 7 Dundrum Ward Councillors since early 2016, but recently decided to engage with the broader group of Councillors who form the ‘Dundrum Area Committee’: the Councillors for Stillorgan and
Sandyford-Glencullen Wards along with the Dundrum Councillors.
10 of the 20 DAC Councillors responded to our invitation and joined us for a meeting in in February. The agenda focused on the three most important current issues for Imagine Dundrum: the urgent need for a Local Area Plan for Dundrum in advance of any major development; our formal submission to Council to have Main Street designated as an Architectural
Conservation Area; and our proposal for a Dundrum civic/ community/ cultural centre in the heart of the old village.
All Councillors were broadly supportive, offering further information and practical advice, and a number made specific offers of helpful actions at Council level.
March 2018
Main Street: A History of the Heart of Dundrum by John Lennon was launched by the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, TD in Holy Cross Parish Centre. A full report of this highly successful night can be found under news bulletins.
Main Street paints a vivid picture of a village that has grown over four centuries and retained much of its built heritage throughout that time. Local historian John Lennon has faithfully chronicled the changes in Dundrum Village from the 17th century to the present day. He reminds us of the imperative to protect that rich heritage and to blend it sensitively into the planning for the future of the village.