Relevant organisations
Irish Architecture Foundation (IAF)
The IAF is an independent organisation encouraging people to engage with their built environment, and aiming to inspire new ways of thinking about architecture. Its new ‘Reimagine!’ project is about placemaking.
Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
Believing that ‘great public spaces strengthen communities’, this inspiring non-profit organisation works with local people all over the world to create community-powered public spaces.
Dublin Democratic Planning Alliance (DDPA)
The Dublin Democratic Planning Alliance has 65 Dublin-based neighbourhood/ residents’ groups and a number of experts and individuals as members, and it aims to
* Put the needs of citizens and community at the centre of planning and development for a liveable Dublin and
* Reinstate democracy in the planning system.A very lively and informative website, full of useful resources for situations like ours in Dundrum!
Irish Green Building Council
Driving the transformation of the built environment towards sustainability the IGBC has recently published a roadmap to decarbonise the built environment.
UK Green Building Council
An industry network radically transforming the sustainability of the built environment… so that people and nature thrive
Dundrum 2030
This new organisation aims to see the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals realised as Dundrum develops and changes.